Horticultural Society

Growers, Makers & Bakers
High Halden village has had a 130 year association with clubs that cater for their horticultural needs. We are proud of this history and want to ensure that the Society continues to thrive and grow. Attending, as well as exhibiting at the various meetings and shows, is the only way we can continue our success.
The Horticultural Society is probably the oldest organisation in the village, besides the church, pub and school, but we need your support. It is a fun organisation with some light-hearted competition at our three Shows each year:- Spring, Summer and Autumn. You have the opportunity to enter something in one or as many of the different categories as you like, such as flowers, fruit, vegetables, cookery or crafts. You don't have to be an expert at anything - just enthusiastic! In addition to the Shows, the Society also holds Quiz Nights, Garden Visits and Demonstrations.
We welcome new members to join our friendly and popular club.
Membership is just £3 a year. On joining you will receive a Handbook & Show Schedule and a free plant at the Spring Show, to grow on, and exhibit in the Autumn Show.
For further details email - [email protected]
Please also visit our Facebook Page. http://www.facebook.com/HHVHS
Committee 2024
President: Annette Henry
Chair: Pat Sargent
Vice Chair: Liz Wheeler
Show Secretary & Treasurer: Georgina Rabjohns
Membership Secretary: Jan Morgan
Minutes Secretary: Sue Hilton
Committee Members: Evelyn Lavell, John Sargent, John Audsley, Ken Thacker, Frances Conway, Serena Maundrell